2nd Net Zero Construction Summit

5th March, 2025 - Doltone House Darling Island, Sydney

Policy, strategy and innovation for sustainable construction and infrastructure




Radical cross-sector coordination is needed to revolutionise the buildings and construction sector towards a net zero future and tackle embodied carbon emissions. This involves transforming the vast network of infrastructure which makes the modern world work. Big-ticket items such as power generation, transport, buildings and industry make up more than 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions. And as we continue to build, we worsen the situation. But carbon emissions can be drastically reduced through good design and specification, utilising the best available approaches, technologies and materials.

Back for its 2nd year, the Net Zero Construction Summit will bring together 250+ industry leaders, sustainability experts, and professionals to explore the policies, technologies, materials, and strategies that will pave the way for decarbonising the construction of buildings and infrastructure while embracing the principles of a circular economy.

“At the Net Zero Construction Summit 2024, I had the privilege of listening to numerous sustainability experts and leaders from peak associations. It became clear to me that major stakeholders are beginning to align their efforts, fostering a unified approach to sustainability in Australia. I extend my congratulations to all the speakers and panelists for their dedication and hard work in sharing their insights, thereby facilitating learning and inspiring others to follow suit."

Teresa Scott

Executive Director, Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC)

“Measuring embodied carbon is a key step to creating a sustainable future, with quality data laying the foundation for meaningful progress.”

Natalya Partington

Senior Carbon Planner, Slattery

“It was great attending the Net Zero Construction Summit, where leaders from the construction, manufacturing, infrastructure, sustainability, consultancy, architecture sectors gathered to share invaluable insights on achieving Net Zero and circular economy, as well as discuss both the challenges and the innovative solutions to tackle them. Its noted that “Collaboration” between the sectors was mentioned as an essential key factor in achieving the Net Zero.”

Ayda Khosravani

Senior Project Officer, NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Net Zero Construction Summit, both as a moderator and participant. The topics covered were very relevant and I was able to come away with new knowledge and insights, as well as making valuable new contacts in the sector.”

Alison Scotland

Executive Director, ASBEC

“NetZero Construction 2024! What a great day rubbing shoulders with some highly motivated and dedicated individuals looking to make an impact however they can in the industry.”

Cameron Ginn

Environment, Quality and Sustainability Manager, Fulton Hogan

“The Net Zero Construction summit was packed with high quality, relevant and specific content. In particular, I got a lot of value from the specific case studies shared by the industry and suppliers.”

Fiona Bowie

Director Transformation and Sustainability, Northwestern Program Alliance

“The Net Zero Construction summit created an amazing knowledge-sharing platform for both industry and government representatives to come together and promote practices that shape the future of net-zero construction. With a great cohort of speakers, the open discussions held on the day were highly engaging and drew a great focus on how far we can go with system’s thinking and collaboration.”

Tanzin Authoi

Senior Sustainability Coordinator, A W Edwards

“I was thrilled to be part of the Net Zero Construction Summit and engage in insightful discussions about the interconnectedness of net zero and nature positive outcomes. It's encouraging to see industry leaders coming together to recognize that sustainability extends beyond reducing carbon emissions and encompasses broader environmental stewardship. Being part of the panel discussion allowed me to share insights on how innovations like Washbox are driving positive change in the construction sector. Looking forward to continuing the conversation and working together towards a more sustainable future!”

Andrew Crimston

Founder and CEO, Washbox

“The Net Zero Construction Summit was an excellent event, bringing together all actors from within the construction sector value chain, and this made for practical debate and learning. The variety of session formats throughout the days also helped maintain momentum and kept big discussion points top of the agenda. It also modelled the open collaboration needed throughout our sector, and how all companies have an important role to play if we’re to deliver on our collective net zero commitment.”

Mark McKenna

Global Sustainability Director, Arcadis

“I’m glad to have been part of the Net Zero Construction Summit, where I observed broad agreement and consensus that decarbonising construction must be a collaborative, data-driven and outcomes focused effort. It’s invigorating to be part of a community of passionate sustainability professionals all focused on achieving the same outcome with a strong sense of purpose.”

Andrew Durant

Supply Chain Sustainability Lead, Laing O’Rourke

“I had the pleasure of attending the Net Zero Construction summit, an outstanding event featuring a diverse lineup of speakers and stimulating discussions centered around sustainable construction. It was a privilege to moderate a roundtable discussion focused on developing comprehensive net zero strategies. I extend my gratitude to the conference organisers for the invitation and to all participants for their valuable contributions.”

Andrew Thai

National Sustainability Manager, Frasers Property Industrial
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The Program

Net Zero Construction Summit 2025 will bring together senior leaders to discuss the following topics:

Past Speakers

Meet Our 2025 Speakers

Mike Kilburn

Director, IInfrastructure Net Zero Initiative

Dena Jacobs

Executive Director Strategy Planning and Innovation, Infrastructure NSW

Sam Donaldson

Hub Sustainability Leader, Laing O’Rourke

Alison Scotland

Chief Executive Officer, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council

Joe Karten

Head of Sustainability and Social Impact, Built

Marcus Gibson

Group IMS Manager, Fulton Hogan

Kristin Moss

Head of Policy, Australian Constructors Association

Abigail Heywood

Senior Manager | Environmental Sustainability, Lendlease

Conference Schedule


Registration & welcome coffee


CHAIRMAN’S ADRESS: Net zero horizons: Evaluating the construction industry’s progress towards 2050 targets

  • Assessing the most impactful industry developments in the past 12 months
  • How can the entire value chain work together to ensure scope 3 visibility?
  • Reviewing the need for harmonisation in policy, both across the country and globally
  • Analysing the intersection between net zero and nature
Mike Kilburn, Director, IInfrastructure Net Zero Initiative

PANEL DISCUSSION: Emissions regulation: Change, policy, disclosure and beyond

The way Australia’s construction sector operates must change in order to reach decarbonisation targets. With progress already underway, jurisdictions are seeking new ways to uplift the sector’s carbon management capabilities and foster new expectations and culture. It’s imperative that organisations understand their obligations and seize the opportunity to transform the way they build. In this session our speakers:

  • Review current and forthcoming sustainability related regulation
  • Analyse the best means to capture and interpret carbon-related data
  • Examine opportunities for government-industry collaboration in reaching net zero targets
  • Assess best practice to ensure compliance with public policy
Panelists include:
Dena Jacobs, Executive Director Strategy Planning and Innovation, Infrastructure NSW
Ravi Prasad, National Environment and Sustainability Manager, Seymour White
Marcus Gibson, Group IMS Manager, Fulton Hogan
Mike Kilburn, Director, IInfrastructure Net Zero Initiative
Monique Alfris, A/Director, NABERS
Facilitated By:
Alison Scotland, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council

SPECIAL ADDRESS: Demystifying the circular economy: moving beyond buzzwords to achieve true circularity

An oft misunderstood concept, the circular economy is not simply an exercise in waste reduction but a macro-economic model that challenges us to revolutionise the linear way we currently operate. Actors across the economy must adopt circular practices in order to eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials at their highest value and regenerate nature and society. In this insightful address, Cameron Kaufman takes us through the what, the why, and the how of the circular economy.

Cameron Kaufman, Senior Sustainability Coordinator, Coreo

CASE STUDY I: Design for Disassembly: Embedding circular thinking into structures

With embodied carbon being one of the most immediate hurdles in the journey towards net zero, the issue of building waste must be addressed in order to create spaces that not only excel in their function, but also foster sustainability for generations to come. Design for disassembly embraces the principles of the circular economy by constructing buildings with posterity front of mind, employing materials that may be disassembled and re-assembled repeatedly, with very little loss in value. In this session we’ll explore:

  • Creating optimal disassembly plans that account for the entire lifespan of building layers
  • Tackling change of ownership and the challenges of buildings’ long life spans
  • Utilising recycled components: the effective use of materials in the second instance
  • Analysing real life examples: case studies of successful design for disassembly
Joe Karten, Head of Sustainability and Social Impact, Built

Morning refreshments & networking break



In this session we bring together delegates for a series of 30 minute facilitated round table discussions with leading industry experts. Join the table that most interests you, discuss hot topics and share ideas for solving some of the biggest challenges being faced on the road to Net Zero.

Round Table 1: Cross-company collaboration: increasing cooperation to drive meaningful progress
Amanda Clements, Head of HSQ & ESG, Kapitol Group
Round Table 2: Vertical vs horizontal construction: Nuances in Net Zero
Marcus Gibson, Group IMS Manager, Fulton Hogan
Round Table 3: Demystifying the Circular Economy within construction
Round Table 4: Designing out Carbon
Round Table 5: Digital technologies for lowering embodied carbon
Round Table 6: Decarbonising the construction supply chain
Round Table 7: Low carbon concrete design and innovation
Round Table 8: Carbon rating tools

FIRESIDE CHAT: Fostering the building blocks of the transition

As net zero targets draw closer, the construction industry must continue to adapt and develop new ways to address its contribution to global emissions. With new challenges emerging, and deadlines imminent, how is the industry tracking against its goals, and what are the strategies that can most effectively secure a more sustainable future for Australia’s construction sector?

Patrick Hastings, Chief Impact Officer, Infrastructure Sustainability Council
Jody Wiliams, Masters of Environment & Sustainability - Special Counsel, and Member of the Governance and People Committee, Infrastructure Sustainability Council

CASE STUDY II: Carbon reduction roadmaps: Creating the best plan to achieve carbon reduction targets

In order to achieve their net zero commitments, organisations must set out clear, considered and prudent plans which outline their expectations and obligations for the years to come. In this insightful case study, Tim Walker takes us through the best practice in creating a roadmap which not only plots development, but supports it.

  • Assessing the merits of taking a whole-of-business approach to tackle the climate challenge
  • Engaging with key stakeholders to ensure buy-in and collaboration across the entire value chain
  • Understanding the challenges of scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, and the best strategies to address each
  • Reviewing the lessons learned through implementation, and the challenges in the future
Tim Walker, Environment and Sustainability Operations Manager - Australia, McConnell Dowell

Designers’ Blind Spot: The Underutilisation of Natural Ventilation in Sustainable Design

  • Understanding the Fundamentals: Learn the core principles of natural ventilation, including how it harnesses environmental forces to optimise airflow and temperature, reducing reliance on energy-intensive mechanical systems.
  • Identifying Barriers to Adoption: Discover the common misconceptions and gaps in knowledge among designers, engineers, and architects that prevent natural ventilation from becoming a default choice in sustainable building design.
  • Design Integration Strategies: Explore effective design strategies and case studies that showcase how natural ventilation can seamlessly integrate into modern buildings without compromising aesthetics or functionality.
  • Overcoming Regulatory and Perception Challenges: Address the regulatory, perception, and practical barriers that discourage wider adoption of natural ventilation solutions, and learn how to advocate for these systems in the context of Net Zero goals.
Jordan Chia, Product & Design Manager, Airocle

Lunch & networking break


PANEL DISCUSSION: Fuelling Australia’s net zero transformation: Alternatives and opportunities

While electrification presents one of the most promising alternatives to burning fossil fuels, the capability does not yet exist for all equipment. In these cases, alternatives such as bio and renewable diesels must be considered if Australia is to meet its net zero targets; the procurement of these fuels presents its own challenges, however, with Federal support promising a domestic renewable diesel industry. In this panel, we explore the opportunities, roadblocks, and alternatives in powering our construction sites.

  • Exploring the construction industry’s renewable fuel journey so far: the challenges faced, and the lessons learned
  • Analysing case studies of best practice, successful implementation, and procurement opportunities
  • Reviewing advocacy efforts to provide market signals and establish domestic capability
Panelists include:
Sam Donaldson, Hub Sustainability Leader, Laing O’Rourke
Abigail Heywood, Senior Manager | Environmental Sustainability, Lendlease
Simon Roycroft, Chair, Cleaner Fuels Alliance
Facilitated by:

MECLA’s mission to decarbonise building materials

The Materials & Embodied Carbon Leaders’ Alliance is a ‘do tank’, made up of volunteers from both industry and government, with a commitment to transform the building and construction sector and the materials they use. Chair Hudson Worsley takes us through MECLA’s goals and achievements.

Hudson Worsley, Chair, MECLA

Afternoon refreshments & networking break


CASE STUDY III: Practical pathways and Innovation for decarbonising and using more sustainable materials

In the pursuit of achieving net-zero targets, circular design is not just an option—it’s essential. Circular design challenges us to rethink the entire lifecycle of products, ensuring that every stage—from sourcing to disposal—contributes to a sustainable, zero-waste future. In this case study, Daniel hogan takes us through some of the real-world examples of circular design at work.

  • Understanding the product lifecycle and how to consider sustainability across product lifespan
  • Analysing quality control vs performance-based specifications and their impact upon product sustainability
  • Examining practical implementations of Innovative Circular Economy Materials and the learnings they reveal
Daniel Hogan, Chief Impact Officer, Infrastructure Sustainability Council

PANEL DISCUSSION: Sustainable approaches to procurement

As net zero targets and sustainability mandates are being mainstreamed across the construction industry, it is now more important than ever that the materials, products and services we procure are sourced sustainably and responsibly. The entire value chain, from project owners to subcontractors and suppliers, must come together to identify and overcome the barriers to sustainable procurement. In this session we’ll explore:

  • Are the current policy settings a help or a hindrance for businesses? How do we deal with inconsistencies between jurisdictions?
  • How do we translate collaboration across the value chain into tangible action and what are they key barriers to doing this quickly
  • Reconciling product cost versus sustainable value to create procurement best practice that progresses net zero goals
  • What ways can we integrate circular economy ‘quick wins’ into procurement now?


Panellists include:
Tanzin Authoi, Senior Sustainability Coordinator, AW Edwards
Peter Bounsall, General Manager Strategic Supply Chain, Stockland
Teresa Scott, Executive Director, Australian Procurement and Construction Council
Facilitated by:
Ro Coroneos, Principal, Praxis ESG

Chairs closing remarks

In this session we explore how a systems thinking approach creates a lasting path towards sustainability. With a focus on A1 to A5 emissions, we will highlight the critical importance of managing the industry’s ecological footprint as part of an interconnected and interdependent system. 

  • Explore how a circular economy approach in design can cut waste, lengthen product lifecycles and boost resource efficiency for sustainable construction and net-zero goals 
  • Managing scope 3 emissions and tackling supply chain issues to improve carbon measurement across an interconnected process 
  • How innovation and collaborative partnerships can drive circular practices and holistic thinking for a sustainable construction ecosystem 
Mike Kilburn, Director, IInfrastructure Net Zero Initiative

Cocktail networking reception

In this session we explore how a systems thinking approach creates a lasting path towards sustainability. With a focus on A1 to A5 emissions, we will highlight the critical importance of managing the industry’s ecological footprint as part of an interconnected and interdependent system. 

  • Explore how a circular economy approach in design can cut waste, lengthen product lifecycles and boost resource efficiency for sustainable construction and net-zero goals 
  • Managing scope 3 emissions and tackling supply chain issues to improve carbon measurement across an interconnected process 
  • How innovation and collaborative partnerships can drive circular practices and holistic thinking for a sustainable construction ecosystem 

Close of Summit

Event Ticket Price



1 Day Summit Virtual Ticket
  • Book and pay by 13 December 2024

  • Access to conference streamed sessions

  • Session recordings and presentation slides

  • No access to interactive round tables and networking sessions



1 Day Summit In-person Ticket
  • Book and pay by 13 December 2024

  • Access to all conference sessions and networking opportunities

  • Session recordings and presentation slides



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Benefits of Attending

The NET ZERO CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT is a Hybrid event. This format combines the traditional face-to-face conference with virtual elements, allowing both in-person and virtual attendees to access the same content and networking opportunities simultaneously.
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    Doltone House Darling Island | 48 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont - NSW 2009

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